I've been following
The Sartorialist for a few years, inspired by his photos of New York and European street styles - and I admit to a secret fantasy where one day, if I dress really
really well, he might just see me on the street and snap my picture. Seriously, this would pretty much be the highest style compliment ever, right up there with
Stacey and Clinton surprising me with a $5000 BoA card to "just keep doing what you're doing". (A girl can dream, right?)
But one shouldn't mix up "boldness" with "total insanity"... I'm pretty sure Stacey and Clinton would tell this poor woman that even beyond the atrocious fabric, the juvenile style does her chest and waist NO FAVORS, and from now on, could she please save the toddler fashion for when her 2 year old is attending an Alice in Wonderland tea party...
why this is even made in adult sizes boggles the mind. -A
Even kate moss would look like she fell in a blob of pepto bismol with this on.
I KNOW! It's just terrible...
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